
Showing posts from July, 2021

On writing the AppEngine deploy guide

 OHMYGODWHATAMASSIVECOLOSSALFUCKINGPAININTHEARSETHATWASILITERALLYWANTTORIPMYBRAINOUTWITHAPUBECOVEREDSAFETYSCISSORBLADEANDTHROWITATTHENEARESTTWATOFASWANSOICANATLEASTJUSTIFYMYRAPIDDEMISETOUTTERSHITTINGINSANITYINCROWNCOURT. Sorry. Seriously though, the next time I decide to take my Google fanboyism to that level again, just slap me in the bollocks with the nearest cheese grater. I think the only reason I have any remote reserves of remaining sanity is thanks to Taureor, Tom Scott, Jay Foreman and Allix (wife, not YouTuber). I'm sure I'll look back on the experience in a few weeks and remember it fondly, knowing that I've learned a huge amount from the experience and being actually really proud of it (rightly or wrongly). But some quick maths reveals what I could have achieved with that time, each of which seems infinitely more valuable right now: Written a 200-page book of love songs and bawdy limericks to give to my wife. Re-released Chandler's Dumb States Game with some...

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