Power-Saving Blogs Are Here Again

 Among my numerous and highly impressive talents is the ability forget everything I ever wanted to say as soon as I am put in a position to actually recite it. Such is the case with this miserable excuse for a blog, where I have numerous ideas that I record at the time throughout the week and fail to recall the inspiration I felt at the time when I actually have the time (maybe 20 minutes) to actually write something down.

I ended up playing with the colour / theme settings instead, so you're now looking at the darkest, headache-inducing-est, most energy-efficient blog on the web. By coming to this blog, you are giving your VDU a little R&R, the LED equivalent of a spa day. Enjoy it my pixel-rendering brethren, for you are the true heroes of the modern age.

(I take no credit for the title



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