[ToDoList] Data FUNdamentals

  1. Creating & Reading Entries
  2. Updating & Destroying Entries
  3. Entry Validation (feat. Error Objects)
  4. Further Reading



In order to allow Rails to interact with the database (DB) tables to create and manipulate entries in our database, we need to introduce the M in MVC: models. Similarly to controllers, these are Ruby classes that inherit functionality from a core Rails element - in this case we are inheriting from ActiveRecord (which is generally abstracted to ApplicationRecord in more recent versions of Rails).
Because of this, similarly again to our controllers, most of what we need to do here is simply define the model - so long as it is valid and it follows the required convention, Rails will be able to figure the rest out itself!

Remembering that models must be named for the singular of the table we migrated, let’s create our model in app/models/todo.rb:

class Todo < ApplicationRecord ## will be ActiveRecord::Base in older Rails versions end
That's it! Because we have followed convention, Rails will recognise Todo as a valid class and map all of the corresponding database table columns as methods that we can run against objects we create with it!

Rails can now fully able to interact with our DB table, let's explore and add some entries to it. To do so, we will use the Rails Console.
This is essentially a Ruby console just like irb that automatically loads in all of the valid controllers and models that we have created in our app, and allows us to test our code before we add it to our app. Let's access it with:

$ bundle exec rails console
## As with the server command, Rails will allow an abbreviation of this to save your fingers
$ bundle exec rails c

Wait a few seconds for this to load up, and you know you are ready to go when you see irb(main):001>.
We can immediately test if our model is valid by running:

irb(main):001> Todo.all
=> []
Running #all against a model's class will retrieve all entries in the corresponding DB table - the fact it is returning an empty array ([]) shows that there are no entries in this table, and therefore no stored Todo objects to display, which is what we expect at this point.
If we had run this before creating our model, or if our model was invalid, we would receive an error such as:
NameError (uninitialized constant Todo)
If you do see this error, go and make sure your model is correct.

An additional check we can run, that will specifically ensure we have configured our database table columns correctly, is to generate a new Todo object:

> Todo.new
=> #<Todo id: nil, name: nil, description: nil, due_date: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, completed: false>
Here we can see all of the columns that we set up in the migrations during the previous section, and that the value of our completed field is the default value we configured (false) - we can therefore be reasonably confident that our table and model are working correctly.

Note that creating a new object in this way will not add a new entry into the database - we are just creating a temporary Todo object in memory. This is made clear by the fact that the automatic id & created_at fields have a value of nil, meaning they are unpopulated.
This essentially means that we have no way of accessing that object again. The way that we can work around this without explicitly saving the object as a database entry is to assign the object to a variable - let's do this now, and pass some basic values to the #new action while we're at it:

> section = Todo.new(name: "Complete Data Fundamentals section", description: "Learn things!")
If we now call our new section variable, we will see the object we've created with the populated fields we specified:
> section
=> #<Todo id: nil, name: "Complete Data Fundamentals section", description: "Learn things!", due_date: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, completed: false>
Again, the id and timestamp fields are unpopulated, showing that this object has no corresponding entry in the database.
Because we are working with a Ruby object, and our Rails model has automatically mapped all of the columns as methods, we can also check this more specifically:
> section.id
=> nil
We can use our variable to interact with our object as much as we like, so long as we don't redefine the variable or exit the console - doing either will result in our lovely Todo being lost to us forever because we haven't stored the values in the database.

Let's go ahead and correct that by saving our object to the database table:

> section.save
This will return some output from the database confirming the status and details of the table transaction, and finally true to confirm that the save action was successful. Just like that, we have our first Todo entry saved into our database!
If we call our variable again, we can now see that the object has an automatically-generated id of 1, as well as the two timestamp fields:
> section
=> #<Todo
 id: 1,
 name: "Complete Data Fundamentals section",
 description: "Learn things!",
 due_date: nil,
 created_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:26:16.333318000 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:26:16.333318000 UTC +00:00,
 completed: false>
Again, if we specifically call a method on our object that corresponds to a DB table column, we can see its new value more distinctly:
> section.id
=> 1
Finally, we can check that this entry appears when we query the database for all of the Todo entries:
> Todo.all
and now the previously empty array now contains our lovely new Todo entry!

That was so much fun, let's create another one quickly - we'll even populate an additional field for added joy:

> lunch = Todo.new(name: "Have lunch", description: "Make a sandwich or something.", due_date: Time.now.midday)
> lunch.save
> Todo.all
  id: 1,
  name: "Complete Data Fundamentals section",
  description: "Learn things!",
  due_date: nil,
  created_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:26:16.333318000 UTC +00:00,
  updated_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:26:16.333318000 UTC +00:00,
  completed: false>,
  id: 2,
  name: "Have lunch",
  description: "Make a sandwich or something.",
  due_date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 12:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00,
  created_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:34:27.970980000 UTC +00:00,
  updated_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:34:27.970980000 UTC +00:00,
  completed: false>]
Now we have 2 entries in our todos table, each with their own unique id primary key.

However this wouldn't be Rails if we couldn't streamline this process slightly, so let's add another entry using the #create method:

> correspondence = Todo.create(name: "Check email", description: "See who's talking to us.")
Eagle-eyed such as we are, we can see that the output returned by this action shows that it has interacted with the database. - #create has created the object and written the values directly to our DB table, negating the requirement to explicitly save the object from a variable.
We can check this either by calling the varible that we declared when running the action (correspondence) to see its valid id, or by simply checking the most recent Todo entry in the database's todos table:
> Todo.last
=> #<Todo
 id: 3,
 name: "Check email",
 description: "See who's talking to us.",
 due_date: nil,
 created_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:41:23.452432000 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:41:23.452432000 UTC +00:00,
 completed: false>
Simplicity itself, no?

Let's take a quick breather - go ahead and close your Rails console session and grab another cup/can of your chosen energy-boosting beverage:

> exit
(You can alternatively hit Ctrl + d as a shortcut).
(Unfortunately the shell doesn't provide the same easy shortcut for getting a drink - not even the Tab key works).



For your hard work (and because I feel bad about the Tab thing), I think you deserve to order something in for lunch. Let's edit our lunch Todo entry to reflect this.
However, as mentioned previously, when we open a new Rails console, the variables we defined in the previous session aren't preserved:

$ bundle exec rails c
> lunch
(irb):1:in `<main>': undefined local variable or method `lunch' for main (NameError)
We will therefore need to find the entry that contained the To-Do item describing our lunch job.
We can either bring up the list of all of our Todo entries and search for the id of the one we need and assign that to a variable with #find:
> Todo.all
> lunch = Todo.find(2)
Or, if we remember the name or the description or other value, we can use #find_by to locate the entry using this:
> lunch = Todo.find_by(name: 'Have lunch')
Now that we have our entry linked to a variable, let's change the description to reflect our new plans:
> lunch.description = "Order a takeaway."    ## change the value of lunch field
> lunch                                      ## check the object
> lunch.save                                 ## save our changes
That's all it takes to update our Todo item, and indeed any database entry using Rails!
If we check the entry's updated_at value:
> lunch.updated_at
=> Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:44:56.912482000 UTC +00:00
we can also see that Rails has automatically updated this when it performed the update to the description.

Similarly to when creating new entries, Rails offers a method to streamline updating entries as well - the unambiguously named #update action. Let's avail ourselves of this now to update the due_date of our lunch entry, and give ourselves an extra bit of time to look at the menu:

> lunch.update(due_date: lunch.due_date + 30.minutes)
Notice how we have also used the fact we can call any value of an entry, in this instance adding 30 minutes to existing time value of due_date instead of generating an explicit Time object.

I don't know about you, but I'm having too much fun with this to bother checking my emails today - let's delete this entry:

> Todo.all                            ## list our entries and find our entry
> correspondence = Todo.find 3        ## assign our entry to a local variable
> correspondence                      ## double-check it's the right entry
> correspondence.destroy              ## remove the entry from the DB
> Todo.all                            ## check the entry has been removed
Et, voila!
The output of these final two commands should confirm that the database is deleting the specified entry from our todos table, and then that the table no longer contains the object we deleted. No one is going to distract us from this guide today (apart from our tasty lunch)!



Now, there are some things that Rails will not automatically do out-the-box, and one of these is data validation. This is an intentional move, as the developers of Rails do want to restrict the ability for entries to have a null value outside of the essential database table columns (e.g. id).
To see what this means for us, let's create a new blank Todo object in the database:

> Todo.create
 id: 4,
 name: nil,
 description: nil,
 due_date: nil,
 created_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:53:34.407571000 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:53:34.407571000 UTC +00:00,
 completed: false>
Here we have just managed to save an entry in our todos table that has neither a name nor description, which is all but useless to us in our to-do list.
Notice that the output shows this blank entry has an id of 4, despite the fact that we had previously deleted the entry with the id of 3. This is important to remember: the primary keys cannot be overwritten and persist regardless of whether or not their entry has been deleted.

We could delete this entry to get rid of it, but let's update it to make it useful instead:

> Todo.find(4).update(name: "Tidy up", description: "Clean the desk.")
Phew, that was close - we almost had wasted space in our DB table!!!
Notice here, as we as well when ran #create to generate the blank entry, we do not necessarily have to assign an entry to a variable to perform actions on it.

We can ensure that this doesn't happen again by adding some simple data validation to our Todo model to ensure that each new entry has at least a name - we'll expand this to also include a maximum length for good measure.
To achieve this, we need to exit the console and add the required configuration inside the Todo class in app/models/todo.rb - when we're done it should look like something like this:

class Todo < ApplicationRecord ## will be ActiveRecord::Base in older Rails versions validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 200 } ## make name required, limit length to 200 chars end
Breaking down what we've done here, validates is the ActiveRecord method we are calling to configure the validation. We are then passing multiple arguments to this method:
  • :name is specifying the column we want validation for, passed in symbol syntax.
  • presence: true is enforcing that this field must be populated.
  • length: { maximum: 200 } is specifying we want to validate the field length and which parameters to validate by.
Now if we reload the console to bring in our updated model and try to add another blank entry:
$ bundle exec rails c       ## access rails console
> todo_validate = Todo.new  ## create object
> todo_validate.save        ## attempt to save object
=> false
Notice here that Rails let us create the blank object and assign it to a variable, still giving us flexibility to add the required value after the object has been generated.
The false boolean was only returned by the #save method when we tried to write the blank value to the database - based on this, we can assume that our validation works.

However there's that old saying about assumptions. If we want to be absolutely certain that this save failed because of our validation, or we were to get this output in a scenario where we were not specifically expecting this to fail, the returned output of false isn't particularly helpful.
We can instead get more information as to why the save failed by adding a ! to the method and instead run #save!:

> todo_validate.save!
/usr/local/bundle/ruby/3.3.0/gems/activerecord- `raise_validation_error': Validation failed: Name can't be blank (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
The Validation failed: Name can't be blank we can see here shows that is indeed our validation preventing Rails from saving a blank entry!

It is important to know that almost all errors experienced by a Rails object, such as the error above, are objects themselves. These error objects are stored in an array within the object that experienced the error, and can be retrieved using the #errors method against it:

> todo_validate.errors
=> #<ActiveModel::Errors [#<ActiveModel::Error attribute=name, type=blank, options={}>]>
Here we can see the array containing the error we experienced above, showing its attribute (the name column that raised the error) and the error's type - in this case showing that the attribute was blank.
We can extract a slightly more user-friendly error message for these error objects by running #full_message against the specific error object we require it for - in this example, the error object we want is the first (and only) object in the #errors array:
> todo_validate.errors.first.full_message
=> "Name can't be blank"



And with that we have reached the end of this section! This is by no means a comprehensive outline on what Rails can do with databases, but it will suffice for what we want to achieve with our app.

If you would like to learn more about what else can be achieved, I hugely encourage you to check out the ActiveRecord pages on the Ruby on Rails Guides mentioned at the start of this guide.
This includes stuff like:

  • Convention overrides
  • Bulk table entry updates
  • Magic migration generation
The Active Record Validations page in particular has information on the of other validations we can specify for our models, including unique values (e.g. usernames / email addresses) and value confirmation (e.g. passwords).

As a final celebration of our good work here, let's push our changes to GitHub.
Again, this won't upload the database entries to the site, only the model we created in this section:

$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Learned about ActiveRecord and made a model"
$ git push



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