
Showing posts from February, 2022

[ToDoList] Materialize V: Other Pages

We have now made all of our Ruby action views look incredibly lovely and have the makings of a moderately sellable web application on our hands! All we have left to worry about are those pesky other views: home , about and help . Now, because we are almost a quarter of the way through the 2020s, gone are the days where we are expected to provide a home page for an application such as this. Even about and help pages are becoming significantly less common, as the average consumer seems to care little about who made the application they're using (that is, until something goes wrong and they'll want all of your personal information to contact you to fix it or punish you for not). With that in mind, you would be perfectly within your rights to simply do away with these views entirely and alter your Rails routes to point the root route at the todos#index view. However, because I am a child of the 1990s and like these touch...

[ToDoList] Materialize IV: Other Views

With the last section being fairly intense, you'll be pleased to know (I hope) that the remaining todo views aren't nearly as complicated and have a bit more freedom with regards to creativity when building them. We'll spend some time sprucing up the index and show views to conform to our fancy new standard, and try to have a bit of fun with it. I Am The Table Show With the Flow     Starting with the index view, we'll naturally want to keep it fairly basic - showing the name and possibly the description, as well as the same [C]RUD actions we had already in our current index view. There are numerous options available to us to present these features: We could go mega-fancy and do a Kanban-esque board of cards , with their actions contained somewhere within. We could go ultra-contemporary and still use cards , but simply list each item. We could go sleek with all ...

[ToDoList] Materialize III: Forms

We've covered most of the basics of Materialize-ifying (don't know why I turned a verb into a verb, even if it is technically a noun in this instance) our app, but have so far neglected a fairly crucial aspect: forms . The form is naturally a very important element of a Rails (or, indeed, any data-driven) application, and it is therefore pretty important that we learn how to utilise Materialize to make them as nice as possible to use. As you can possibly tell already, they gave me a little bit of trouble. However I wouldn't be a very good unqualified instructor if I didn't cover them and so, through tears and cursing, the following section has been prepared to cover the adaption of the Rails form to work with Materialize, as well as: Buttons for links / forms Form text fields with character counters Display error messages in a card Display flash messages in a toast Because it will be the...

[ToDoList] Materialize II: Colour Variables & Icons

So far in our journey with MaterializeCSS we have learned how to install the packages with Webpacker, set up our basic layout elements and initialise the JavaScript elements that the framework offers. This section will explain some of the more CSS-driven aspects of the framework, which we will improve what we have already done so far. Working with Variables An Iconic App A Side of Navigation     There may come a time when that default pink(ish) and blue colour scheme will get right on your nerves - it didn't take long for me! Let's do something about it and change the colour scheme of our site! To start with, head over to the Colour page of the Materialize site and pick which colours you would like to be your primary and secondary colours - for me it is the green darken-3 and teal lighten-1 respectively. Once you've picked them, head into your stylesheet and import the co...

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